Chief Executive Officer

Ampleforth Abbey Trust is looking to appoint a dynamic strategic leader to the post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Purpose of the role

The post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) leads the works of the Abbey Trust on behalf of the monastic community, providing strategic leadership and managerial oversight of the Trust’s activities. In conjunction with the Chair of the Trust, the post-holder will support the Abbot in ensuring that the needs and ambitions of the monastic community are   met, whilst also ensuring that the contents and pace of the Trust’s forward plan align with these needs. The post-holder will work closely with the Abbot to understand fully the needs and plans of the monastery and identify the business challenges and opportunities facing the Trust arising from these.

The post-holder will take the lead in ensuring that staff, volunteers and external stakeholders are engaged in the work of the Trust. They will also maintain a professional relationship with the Head and Bursar of Ampleforth College to ensure effective co-ordination and open communication where necessary.

The CEO is accountable to the Chair of the Ampleforth Abbey Trust and will work in liaison with    the Abbot, and the Head and Bursar of Ampleforth College. In addition, they will also work closely with the Co-ordinator of Hospitality and the General Manager to reflect the importance of hospitality, retreatants, groups and general visitors, to the work of the Abbey Trust.

The post-holder will work effectively with all regulatory bodies, particularly the Charity Commission, to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met. 

A copy of the full job description and person specification can be found here

Key Dates

Expected Start Date

  • March 2025

Closing Date for Applications

  • Midday Monday 9 December 2024


  • Friday 3 January 2025 at Ampleforth Abbey


To apply please send

  • A CV setting out your career history, with key responsibilities and achievements, tailored to the job description and person specification.
  • A Statement of Suitability explaining your motivation for applying for this role and how you consider your personal skills, qualities and experience testify to your suitability for the role. 

Applications should be sent by e-mail to the Company Secretary, Liam Kelly: 


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